Physical Education in China

E-Learning Platform for Physical Education in China

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Development of Technology and E-Learning

Due to the invention and development of the Internet, the accumulated knowledge and information allows people to have more methods to learn new things everywhere at any time. E-learning platform provides a complete online learning experience where instructors/tutors, as well as learners, can interact throughout the learning process. It is designed to help instructors and tutors to create an effective online learning managements system for the online learning community. The goal of this platform is to bring instructors/tutors and students together into a virtual classroom to engage various instruction, tutoring and learning activities. The global E-Learning market has reached over USD $107 billion in 2015 with an annual growth of 9.2%. That being said, there has been a significant growth of 52% in China. E-learning is a trend of education that utilizes electronic technology to access educational curriculum outside of the classroom. E-Learning provides an opportunity for its users to communicate with teachers, professors or other students. Users can develop knowledge or skills through experience in virtual laboratories and simulated environments. However, the most existent E-Learning systems focus on general subjects such as IT, mathematics, professional, science, and language courses.

Importance of Health and Fitness in China

Football education in ChinaThe fitness culture has been growing rapidly in recent years, especially in China. This is due to the large disposable income and health awareness among the Chinese consumers. With the increasing disposable income of the Chinese consumers and their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, experts of Daxue Consulting predicts the health-driven trend of eating healthy and exercising regularly will continue to be a key highlight of the Health and fitness industry in China.

Moreover, China’s Ministry of Education issued administrative orders for an annual assessment of students’ physical status and school evaluation system that involves physical education. The order has led to all public schools from primary to higher education level to organize student fitness tests yearly which includes:

  • 50-meter sprint
  • 1,000m run
  • Lung capacity test
  • Pull ups
  • Sit ups

The test results will be graded into four levels (excellent, good, qualified, unqualified) and will be considered as evaluating factors of students’ upon graduation and college admissions. Due to heavy academic studies in China’s exam-oriented educational system, facilities, hours for Physical Classes, and on-campus sports activities causes a lag behind those academic courses, thus resulting in a decline in overall students’ fitness. To guarantee the quality and class hours of physical education, new orders have been carried out to assess school by officials and regional education leaders to develop the physical education in their respective areas.

With the importance of physical education and the popularity of E-learning, developers have started to develop E-learning platforms for physical education in which users can improve their daily life progression and strengthen the mind and body.

Importance and future expectations of E-Learning in Sports/Fitness

With the busy schedule of the community of the working-class, the students, and the habits of the generation y and z; online learning holds the future of higher education. Many students, athletes, and workforce will have the ability to continuously improve themselves to learn and develop their physical and mental health. This becomes critical to have an online class and study/train on their own. Globally, there are several e-learning courses on sports that has been developed to boosts their performances, avoid illness & injuries, explore future careers and also gain insights from sports legends and greats. It features interactive academic lecture videos created by leading academics and professional from the world of education and sports. The aim of these courses is to find an innovative way for users to study while training and compete. The service is accessible anytime and anywhere with an online connection.

With the accessibility to expert coaching, the location and financial restrictions can be “eliminated” as E-learning platforms gives the opportunity for athletes to engage in learning from the best regardless of location and economic status. Next, E-Learning platforms provide an opportunity to learn something at one’s own pace. Traditional coaching, as well as traditional education, is rushed and follows the pace of the fastest learner; this leaves many young learners to prematurely progress to the next level in order to keep up with the team. Eventually, because of this, the basic fundamentals that these athletes fail to acquire can get in the way of their chance of being successful in the long run. An e-learning tool allows the users to learn “at their own pace” and progress “step-by-step” by mastering the basic fundamentals. Furthermore, it is inevitable to always prevent injury but with e-learning it can decrease the likelihood; once athletes have a better understanding and the mastery of the fundamental skills of their sport, it will reduce their chance of injury. Most athletes, coaches, and parents are not aware of the symptoms of certain injury and how to react to them. E-learning platform gives users access to learning content on various injuries that can be an indispensable tool to help manage injuries. With the pro-active learning through e-learning platform can free up the coach time to focus on refining the individual skills as oppose to completely teaching them. Coaches will be given more time to teach tactics and strategy as well as more time for team bonding. E-learning is here to stay, fitness in e-learning platforms can help athletes to excel in sports just as traditional education.

Case Study: E-learning platforms

One of Daxue Consulting’s client from the online education industry wanted to assess the potential for its new services in China. It has contacted Daxue Consulting to execute an online survey in China. The study aimed at giving the client a concept awareness in mainland China. Daxue Consulting has conducted a Desk research followed by survey analysis, in order to highlight the behaviors, the trends, and needs of the targeted market towards the client’s brand and services.

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