Price valuation is the process of estimating the current worth of assets, companies and goods. Companies are increasingly meeting circumstances that require price valuation because objective and independent advice is needed by corporate governance to support decisions and convince shareholders. In China, the access to non-biased information is a real challenge due to the relatively closed economy compared to the rest of the world. Daxue Consulting delivers accurate price valuation in China to insure you to take the most clever decisions.

Liberating information for better knowledge on Chinese market

Price valuation in China is an essential step for corporations wanting to develop broadly in the country. A pricing strategy in China will be invaluable to you, as it will determine who your customers are. Furthermore, prices in China can be seen as a divide between good quality and average, meaning your prices may have an influence on the buyers, as they will take the price into account when thinking about the quality and the durability of your product.

We ensure price valuation is transparent and consistent. Daxue Consulting bases its solutions on primary source of information. In order to effectively deliver detailed disclosures, our experts are specifically chosen to form the best research teams. Many techniques can be undertaken to determine price valuation; we can base upon a number of different factors and an extremely large on-going data.

Exploiting price valuation in China

Daxue Consulting measures every price valuation in China as unique. Our flexible and responsive team spends time effectively at understanding the business, key sector and the core value creation. But valuation we offer goes beyond numbers, we offer interpretations and the formulation of advice and ideas thanks to our technical skill set and real experience in the market.

The empowerment delivered by our reliable price valuation in China is undeniable. Investors, lenders, boards of directors, corporate advisors, and regulatory agencies all closely examine these reports to evaluate businesses. Price valuation is used for capital budgeting, investment analysis, financial reporting, merger and acquisition transactions, tax liability, and used in litigation. At a smaller scale, it gives an honest idea of the value on the present market making improvements and opportunities apparent. This provides adapted indications for future decisions resulting to more efficient corporate development and increased competitiveness that are necessary in the very dynamic market of China. The management can focus their attention on the key strategic issues. The information can be used to analyse investments and opportunities during joint ventures negotiations. The price valuation is a strong accounting assistance to reach juridical requirements. For shareholders the external point of view is seen as an objective and fair opinion that can be used to protect themselves in the case of litigation or arbitration. The existence of a credible neutral party valuation is a heavy evidence for solving conflicts.

It is crucial to note that valuation requires judgments and assumptions. Indeed, circumstances and purposes of the party valuating an asset leads to different calculation methods and interpretations. As a result the output can vary significantly. The degree of complexity, relevance of observations and mathematical form influences largely the final results so users of price valuation must make sure key information assumptions and limitations are disclosed clearly in order to weigh the reliability of the results. So Daxue Consulting makes those choices with the clients and customizes methodology according to each projects and goals.

Going beyond numbers

With Daxue Consulting credibility is enhanced and price valuation truly insightful because we thrive permanently deliver a responsive, personalized and open-minded service aiming at disclosing the highest quality result. In addition, as an external party we go a step further by providing a fair opinion and assistance with strategic planning and compliance.  Our client assistance covers support in developing policies and implementing capital allocation process in corporations. This provides managers with independent valuation and real support to corporations’ goals resulting from higher quality planning and increased risk management. Chinese market needs to be analysed carefully conducting models with specialised companies is a great advantage since the latest industry changes must be noticed and recording. Trends are sometimes difficult to perceive and have large consequences on the development into a market such as China. Price valuation can’t be neglected. Daxue Consulting engages itself of producing valuation with its latest data for managers to anticipate correctly.



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