Daxue Talks 7: Online advertising retargeting in China

Online advertising retargeting in China

Online advertising retargeting in China The second guest of the Daxue Talks show is Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In 5 minutes, find answers on five different questions about how to do ad retargeting on the Chinese internet. Jump to the questions: 0:23 Talking about Alimama and retargeting, is it retargeting from Tmall […]

The Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem in China

China's programmatic advertising

What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is buying digital advertising space automatically, with computers using data to decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them. The programmatic advertising economy has experienced five key development nodes which embraces room for future growth. Download our report on the programmatic advertising ecosystem in China […]