Body cure first: the world of healthy food consumers in China

As dietary preferences continue to evolve globally, China is witnessing the emergence of various diet trends. Based on the Daxue Consulting survey, prominent diets in China include intermittent fasting (29.1%), organic diet (27.8%), and low-calorie diet (7.1%). Additionally, food tribes like keto, 211, and steak diets are gaining traction on social media platforms, boosted by […]
Decoding Chinese consumer behavior: generational preferences and market dynamics

Chinese consumer behavior is influenced by significant generational differences in the country’s vast population of over 1.4 billion people, making it a complex landscape for global brands. Retail sales in China reached a staggering 44 trillion RMB in 2021, highlighting the immense market potential. However, it is crucial to recognize that different age groups have […]