Mobike and Ofo: Reinventing the Bike-Sharing Business Model in China

The bike-sharing market in China has a broad customer base, a verifiable business model, and good operating cash flow. It is one of the most popular investment areas in the primary market in the past few years. The rapid influx of capital has accelerated the evolution of the industry and has directly increased the competition. [Data […]
“Sharing Economy” only as one part of exploding Collaborative Economy in China

Triggered by the hype of sharing platforms like Didi Chuxing (滴滴出行) or Mobike (摩拜单车), Daxue Consulting decided to take a closer look into the collaborative economy in China. However, the term raises a lot of confusion as the public almost always refers to it as ‘sharing economy’ only. We constituted a framework of collaborative economy, […]