Longer time looking at screens boosts demand for eyecare products in China

In recent years, with the growing penetration of the Internet and the spread of electronic products, people are straining their eyes more than ever. According to the 49th Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development released by China Internet Network Information Center (CINIC), as of June 2022, the number of netizens in China reached more than […]
[Podcast] China paradigm episode 10 – How an app makes China’s healthcare more consumer-centric

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Sebastien Gaudin, the CEO, and co-founder of The CareVoice. The CareVoice is a health insurance tech company which uses a SAAS (software as a service) business model to make hospitals and clinics more customer-centric. Learn how Gaudin aligns the interests across many communities like health, tech, […]