Chinese Characters Found on Formula Packaging in Canadian Walmart Exposes Shopping Scandal

Another Scam of Chinese Oversea Shopper (Daigou). A Weibo (China’s biggest microblogging platform) post on Oct. 9 has been reposted 13,000 times and got almost 4,000 comments: Someone found Chinese characters written on the bottom of several Enfamil formula packagings in a Canadian Walmart. Why is this seen as a scandal in China? This article […]
China Market: Milk Powder’s Market in China
China Market shares According to the CCTV News, the sales of foreign brand milk powder takes up 60% – 65% of total national sales in China. Even in the most of first and second tier cities, foreign brand milk powder has occupied most of the market. The total volume of importing milk powder has already […]
Market research: Foreign companies in baby formula industry

Fonterra’s milk powder food-safety scandal On August 3th, 2013, Fonterra released to the press that some of its exported whey protein products may contain Clostridium botulinum, a bacteria that can cause botulism. Botulism is a paralytic illness that affects the nervous and respiratory systems and can cause death in some cases. Fonterra attributes its contamination […]