Podcast transcript #80: Discover how a social platform for collaborative product development is disrupting the production industry in China and in the entire world

Social platform for collaborative product development

Find here the China Paradigm 80 and learn more about the disruption of the production industry in China and in the world, through the story of Wikifactory, a social platform for collaborative product development which has built a strong and wide online community for the production industry. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. This […]

Paper market in China

paper market in china

Paper market in China Rapid growth and intermittent slowdown in paper industry The paper industry in China hasn’t changed much and has barely been affected by its industrial reform and open-up of the 1980s and early 1990s. According to statistics shown in 1999, total output volume of paper and paper board in the paper market […]

What is the power of China manufacturing associations?

Chinese manufacturing associations

What is the power of China manufacturing associations? Chinese industry is booming for many years. During this period, China improves its influence in many sectors, taking advantage of its industrial superpower. But in domestic market, how the powerful manufacturing players have evolved following this rocketing growth? There are many associations which have been created and […]