2021 becomes the year of crackdowns in China as the country’s tightening regulations spread through more spheres

In the second half of 2021, it seems almost every week we hear of a new crackdown in China, each of which impact a range of industries, throwing market dynamics for a loop. This article details some of the larger crackdowns and their impacts on the markets China’s crackdown on education for extra-curricular classes In […]
“Beauty value” economy in China (颜值经济): How social media made ‘face score’ a valuable asset

The “beauty value” economy in China, known in Chinese as 颜值经济 (yán zhi jing ji) is a recent internet slang, in which “yan” means face and appearance, and zhi represents the value of a person’s appearance. Several psychological aspects of the “beauty value” economy in China make it so prosperous. Firstly, working on one’s own […]