The guide to a successful pop-up store in China

Pop-up stores in China A pop-up store is a short-term, temporary retail space that brands occupy. Regardless of whether the brands previously adopt a physical presence or not, it can be used for sales promotion purposes or for simply building connection with their existing and potential customers. Pop-up stores are usually designed or decorated creatively […]
Daxue Talks transcript #13: O2O business model in China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 13. From the talk with Igor learn in 2-5 minutes about the O2O business model in China. Full transcript below: My name is Igor Temirov, I’m an expert in developing foreign markets and for the last five years, I have been in China, helping several companies to enter the Chinese […]
Daxue Talks 13: Find a balance: online and offline presence in China

The next guest on Daxue Talks is a Russian expert in developing foreign markets, Igor Temirov. In this China business vlog, learn the unique O2O business model features in China in 2019. Jump to the question: 0:45 Does the O2O business model have unique features in China compared to the West? What are they? Daxue […]