Contrasting consumer habits: Hong Kong vs Mainland China

Hong Kong uniquely merges Eastern traditions with Western influences, creating a lively cultural and commercial environment. In contrast, Mainland China’s vast market is marked by rapid evolution, showcasing a distinct combination of historical richness and modern innovation. Download our China luxury market report Although they might seem similar to the Western eye, consumers in Hong […]
What do Chinese consumers think of Duty Free shops?

What are Chinese consumers attitudes towards Duty Free shops? Duty Free shops are retail outlet stores that are exempt from paying all local or national taxes. This tax exemption is on the basis that the goods sold in these stores will be sold to travelers who will carry them outside of the country. Inside of […]
Differences in Chinese Shoppers’ Behaviors by City Tiers and Regions
In this report, we divide China into four regions: north(Liaoning(辽宁), Heilongjiang(黑龙江), Beijng(北京), Tianjin(天津), Hebei(河北), Shandong(山东), Shanxi(山西)), south(Guangdong(广东), Fujian(福建), Hunan(湖南), Hubei(湖北)), east(Shanghai(上海), Jiangsu(江苏), Zhejiang(浙江), Anhui(安徽), Henan(河南)) and west(Sichuan(四川), Chongqing(重庆), Shaanxi(陕西), Guangxi(广西), Yunnan(云南), Guizhou(贵州)). All households spend between approximately RMB 6,700 to RMB 7,400 per household. However, there is big variation among city tiers. Take shoppers in […]