Hello Kitty in China: Case study of an iconic character

Hello Kitty, a well-known Japanese character that is enormously popular in China. Today it appears on every conceivable product, ranging from pencil cases and chainsaws to passenger jets. The phenomena of Hello Kitty in China is worth studying because of its success and popularity among women and children. Hello Kitty’s history Hello Kitty is a […]
Disneyland China Plans Further Expansion

To know more about the Leisure Industry in China, contact us at dx@daxueconsulting.com One day before the opening of Disneyland China, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, announced that work was already being done to expand the park. The General Manager of the resort, Philippe Gas, affirmed that […]
Leisure Industry in China: Disneyland Shanghai’s Real Challenges

To know more about the Leisure industry in China, contact us at dx@daxueconsulting.com What are the real challenges confronting Disneyland Shanghai? China’s economy is transitioning from a manufacturing economy to a consumption-based one. It is forecasted that the per-household disposable income of urban consumers will double during the current decade from about $4000 to $8000. […]