The darling of China’s Southeast Seaboard: What Foreign Companies should know about Xiamen’s Economy

With three and a half million citizens in the city proper and roughly four million in the built-up area of the city, Xiamen is only the thirtieth most populated city in China. However, the city had a GDP of 600 billion yuan and a GDP per capita of 142,000 yuan in 2019. This makes Xiamen […]
Economy of Xiamen from 2000 to 2011- Focus on international trade (1)
See our most recent update on Xiamen’s economy. PART 1 Background Xiamen, located on the southwest coast of China, is administrated as a sub-provincial city (others are Shenzhen, Qingdao, Dalian, Ningbo and 10 capital cities) of Fujian Province, and became Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in 1980 enjoying the preferential policies. With its natural location privilege […]
Economy of Xiamen from 2000 to 2011- Focus on international trade (2)
– General situationAs a harbour city, Xiamen takes advantage of privileges as a SEZ and FTZ to pull its economic development, table 1 shows how imports and exports changed respectively and totally during past 10 years, we can see an obvious trend from Figure 4 that Xiamen’s trade growth rate fluctuated fiercely in 2003 and […]