Foreigner-Chinese marriages

Daxue Talks 14: Foreigner-Chinese marriages: Comprehensive answers to existing questions

Foreigner-Chinese marriages

This episode features Gabriel Yu, who is a lawyer with 7 years of working experience with a specialty in labor law, company law, intellectual property rights, trademark, copyrights, international trade, and banking law. In this China business vlog, we ask Yu the most common questions related to foreigner-Chinese marriages.

Jump to the questions:

  • 2:15 If a foreigner marries a Chinese person and lives in China for the rest of his/her life, can the foreigner get his/her Chinese citizenship? Can their kid go to a public school in China?
  • 3:03 What is the process of preparing a prenuptial agreement in China for foreigner-Chinese marriage?
  • 3:44 Up to 50% of marriage end up in divorce in Shanghai, what rules regulate the responsibility of Child Care?
  • 4:48 Up to 50% of marriage end up in divorce in Shanghai, what rules regulate the split of wealth such as property or other belongings?

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