Daxue Talks transcript #14: Legal issues that arise during the registration of marriage between foreigners and Chinese

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 14. From the talk with Gabriel, learn in less than 5 minutes about the essentials things to know about Foreigner-Chinese marriages. Full transcript below: I am Gabriel from Shanghai Li Dong Fang Law Firm, I am a lawyer with 7 years of working experience. My specialty is labor law, company […]
Daxue Talks 14: Foreigner-Chinese marriages: Comprehensive answers to existing questions

Foreigner-Chinese marriages This episode features Gabriel Yu, who is a lawyer with 7 years of working experience with a specialty in labor law, company law, intellectual property rights, trademark, copyrights, international trade, and banking law. In this China business vlog, we ask Yu the most common questions related to foreigner-Chinese marriages. Jump to the questions: […]