In-depth interviews in China (IDIs research) are a qualitative research methodology consisting in conducting intensive individual interviews, usually with a small number of respondents, to analyze their perspectives, experiences or feelings regarding a particular market situation, marketing campaigns or incipient product launches in China.
Our steps for conducting IDIs in China
Daxue Consulting will conduct pre-research of the target market in China.
We will write interview guides for exerts and clients, giving a direction to the discussion and avoiding losing information.
Our team will recruit knowledgeable professionals for in-depth interviews to provide us with valuable insight.
Our consultants will guide the conversation by asking broader questions, and then focus on details as the interview progresses. Interviews are systematically recorded.
Our team will utilize the gathered pieces of information to identify key consumer insights and make valuable recommendations.
Consultants will write a final report to give you all the answers you were looking for.
When to use expert IDIs
IDIs can be particularly useful in the Chinese market where data reliability and transparency can be a challenge for market researchers. IDIs can provide a more comprehensive understanding of key drivers of change and potential areas of growth by exploring consumer behavior, attitudes, and preferences in greater detail.
Additionally, IDIs can provide valuable insights into the impact of new regulations, best practices, and innovative technology in the field.
While data scraping and social listening are important tools, expert in-depth interviews can offer a deeper level of understanding that is difficult to obtain through other methods.