Market report: Pierre Cardin in China

Market report: Pierre Cardin in China

More about Fashion market in China

Pierre Cardin: the first international brand to enter China

The relationship between Pierre Cardin and China dates back to 1978. He was the first famous European fashion designer to ever come to China. At that time, China had not yet emerged from the Cultural Revolution and 90 percent of the people on the streets wore wearing army green. At that time, marketing fashion clothes and hosting a fashion show in China was a very difficult task and few were willing to take the risk and enter a market that, at that time, did not show the promise that it shows today. Despite the doubt from his fellow designers, Pierre Cardin hosted the first foreign fashion show in China.

Pierre cardin chinaPierre Cardin: the most well-known French name in the 1980in China

In 1983, Pierre Cardin invested several million dollars on the launch of Maxim’s de Paris restaurant in Beijing, cloning the renowned hundred-year-old restaurant with its famous western cuisine. However, he realized that the financial gain from this launch was not the most important aspect of this endeavor. It is in this way that the Chinese welcome this 20th century Marco Polo with the same curiosity and warmth that they extended to the original. Soon everyone in China, both young and old, knew the Pierre Cardin name. According to the research of that time, the most well-known French names in China are Pierre Cardin and Platini. Their fame in China is even greater than that of the French president.

Pierre Cardin’s prospect in China

As revolutionary as it was, Pierre Cardin’s entry strategy into China was fairly clear and was carried out in three steps: “Establishment of his brand, development of Maxim’s, furtherance of cultural exchanges and promotion of Sino-French friendship.” After more than 30 years of effort, the work of the great designer has brought its dividends.  In China, the company currently operates 20 Pierre Cardin franchised products; it manufactures the entire clothesline and supplies the Chinese market. Furthermore, Pierre Cardin owns the two Maxim restaurants in Beijing and Shanghai offering fine French dining and bistro style food to Chinese consumers. Maxim’s products have also been launched and are represented by six different companies. Several other projects are underway such as the Pierre Cardin cultural center. On April 12012, Pierre Cardin hosted a big fashion show called the City of Light in the National Swimming Center in Beijing featuring 120 women’s ready-to-wear outfits and 60 men’s suits. The 90-year-old founder personally designed the clothes and attended the show.

Pierre Cardin took a risk when entering China’s market before any of his competitors. Today, it has paid off as he has become one of the most famous French names in the country.

Daxue Consulting Market Study in China


Picture Source: Pierre Cardin

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