Is China’s sample’s economy a beauty market disrupter?

According to’s data, the sales of sample-size products (小样) in China have grown 4.3-fold between 2019 and 2023. Vending machines distributing sample-size products are popping up around malls, Harmay (話梅), a sample-size retailer born on Taobao has hopped offline to run 11 stores in 8 Chinese cities. Chinese consumers are then going to Xiaohongshu […]
Gen Z emerges as a new advocate for Traditional Chinese Medicine

The emergence of Generation Z as vocal proponents of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is unmistakably evident across various digital platforms. Short videos featuring demonstrations of the “Eight Brocades” exercise have amassed over 30 million views, accompanied by an impressive 33,000 barrage comments. Moreover, the phenomenon of crowded massage departments in hospitals, predominantly filled with young […]
Capturing the Neglected Market: Strategies to Connect with Lower-Tier City Consumers in China

With more than 70% of China’s population located in tier-3 cities and below, there lies a significant, yet often undervalued, market segment ripe for exploration by international brands. This overlooked demographic consists of Chinese consumers who possess unique consumption habits, profoundly influenced by their pragmatic approach to life and a deeply ingrained sense of patriotism. […]
Green consumption in China: the lesser-known ‘side-effect’ of COVID-19 for brands

Green consumption refers to consumers’ preference towards environmental-friendly products. The awareness of sustainability in China and green consumption has been a growing trend in pre-pandemic times and Chinese consumers have been increasingly motivated to choose eco-friendly and social-friendly products for the sake of protecting the environment. This has been proven by a number of recent […]
Sustainable consumption in China: Are Chinese consumers ready to ride the green wave?

In 2018, dairy company Yili Group released a report on sustainable consumption in China in which it mentioned that over 90% of Chinese consumers were aware of sustainable consumption and 70% were very conscientious of it. Awareness of eco-friendly consumption in China is increasing as sustainability and environmental summits and conferences are flourishing. In a […]
5 Chinese consumer values in the post-pandemic economy

Private consumption in the Chinese economy is expected to reach around $12.7 trillion by 2030. Experts anticipate the Chinese consumption to more than double within 10 years compared to the spending of $5.6 trillion in 2019. This translates to an annual private consumption growth rate of 7.9% over the next 10 years. With this outlook […]
Market Tidbits transcript #2: The rise of the Stay-at-home Economy in China

Matthieu David: Allison Malmsten and I today we are going to have a market tidbit on the Stay-at-home Economy in China and we wrote a report a few weeks ago, about this stay at a home economy which was of course impacted by what happened in February, March, April with the Covid-19, the coronavirus and […]
Eye Tracking in China: In the Eyes of the Consumer

To know more about Eye Tracking in China, contact us at Eye Tracking in China Two significant societal trends in China are changing the nation’s markets. They are a rise in consumer spending and an increase in online activity. Indeed, by the end of the decade, 55% of Chinese consumers expect a substantial wage […]