China Resources Snow Beer Ltd in Alcoholic Drinks

China Resources Snow Beer (China) Limited was founded in year 1994, and it is now a national professional producer and seller of beer. Its headquarters is in Beijing(北京). It has two shareholders: China Resources Enterprise and the second largest beer company group in the world, SABMiller. Now, it has nearly 70 beer companies all over […]

Yanghe Wine in China

Founded in year 1949 in Suqian(宿迁), Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery is specializing in producing Yanghe Daqu(洋河大曲), a famous type of wine with over 400 years of history. According to statistics, its net sales reached 7.619 billion yuan, and its net profit was 3.076 billion yuan in year 2010, with a total number of 7,090 […]