China’s eyewear market soars post-pandemic

eyewear market in china

Over the years, the eyewear market in China has witnessed remarkable growth and this trend is set to continue post-pandemic, fueled by factors such as increasing disposable income, changing fashion trends, and rising awareness about eye health. Chinese consumers have developed a strong appreciation for both style and functionality when it comes to eyewear, creating […]

The eye supplements market in China: Driven by office workers and elderly

the eye supplements market in China

Facing the increasing elderly population and risks of eye diseases for office workers, eye supplements market in China is growing.  Statistics show, China’s elderly population will increase to 418 million in 2035, accounting for 1/4 of the total population. Cataract and glaucoma are often the most common problems of eye health in the elderly. Age-related […]

Sighting the future: The market for myopia treatment in China

Daxue Consulting-the market for myopia treatment in China

Where lie the challenges facing the market for myopia treatment in China? As of 2016, the market for myopia treatment in Chinawas already worth $2.7 billion. The market is set to continue growing at 14.8 percent a year, reaching $5.3 billion by 2021, according to a market research institution. Amid the optimism, however, players in […]

Insight of the Eyewear Market in China

Eyewear Market in China

Eyewear Market in China. The glasses are nowadays perceived as an accessory of fashion, which motivates, consumers, to buy multiple products from eyewear, to replace more frequently, and to trade up to more fashionable or better quality options. A large population has myopia, in particular among young consumers. China has been gripped by a record […]