What companies must know about China’s FinTech scene | Daxue Consulting

FinTech is short for “financial technology” and refers to the application of technology within the financial services industry. This advanced and innovative combination unveils a remarkable breakthrough in modern technology. FinTech currently serves as the critical foundation to build differentiated customer experiences via personalization, quick response, relevance, and seamless delivery. There are two types of FinTech […]
Green China: Fintech – tech giants fueling green technology and green finance | Daxue Consulting

Tech giants as green innovators China’s technology giants such as Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba are playing a vital role in sustainable development. These top internet companies are accelerating the pace of change through online technology – particularly e-commerce, internet banking, and social media – as well as green innovation and technology. China’s sustainable technology sector […]