China Paradigm 120: Paving the way for bakeries to enter and grow in China

bakeries in China

Bakeries in China Matthieu David interviews Pierre Gilson, founder and chef at Stoneground Consulting. When it comes to the bakery & pastry industry there is definitely a paradigm in the context of the Chinese market. While westerners consume baked goods and pastries on a daily basis, Chinese consumers enjoy them on relatively special occasions. Pierre […]

Battle of the Bakeries: How the macaron brands in China reach the customer

Daxue Consulting- macaron brands in China

What Are the Prospects for Premium Macaron Brands in China Like?                 French pastries in China have become a hit. The demand for western food and French bakeries in China has been increasing in recent years. At Daxue Consulting, we observe that as the average Chinese income per capita increases […]