Wuliangye in China

Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd was set up in Yibin(宜宾), Sichuan(四川) province in August 19th, 1997.There are six famous brands of wines in Sichuan: Luzhoulaojiao(泸州老窖), Langjiu(郎酒 ), Jiannanchun(剑南春), Tuopaiqujiu(沱牌曲酒), Ququanxingdaqu(全兴大曲) and Wuliangye(五粮液), and Wuliangye is now the leading one. Wuliangye is produced using fermented rice, soybean, sorghum, maize, and glutinous rice. This way of making wine was […]