Podcast transcript #45: A passionate jeweler shares his best practices for selling diamonds in China

Find here the full China paradigm episode 45. Learn more about Nicolas Jouvenceau’s story selling diamonds in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, a strategic Market Research Company, and this China marketing podcast, China Paradigm. Today, […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 45: Analyzing the market for colored gemstones in China

Nicolas Jouvenceau, founder and CEO of PINK Diamonds Boutique, speaks with Matthieu David-Experton about the market for gemstones in China. In this episode of China Paradigm, Nicolas tells us about the founding and focus of the company, the expense and demand of colored diamonds and gemstones in China, and the differentiation between PINK and other […]
Will the Economic Downturn have an Impact on China’s Jewelry Market?

A Glance at China’s Jewelry Market In recent years, thanks to improved living conditions, and population consumption; jewelry consumption has also increased. Indeed, in 2014, global sales of jewelry has reached around USD 195 million, which represents a significant jump of 26.03%, representing 57.86% of further global sales of luxury goods. China is one of […]