The meat market in China: Pork making way for the growth of Beef

The meat market in China is the second largest sector in the country’s retail food market,  after the fresh vegetables sector. However, it is one of the last to be affected by the development of new retail. Much of the meat sold in retail outlets are sold at traditional wet markets, most of which are in open-air market […]

Red meat imports in China: France and USA step into the game

Daxue Consulting- Red meat imports in China

Will the increasing red meat imports in China be able to feed the growing Chinese appetite for beef and sheep meat? This question is especially relevant as China banned many countries from exporting meat to China after scandals like the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis in the 1990s in Europe or in the US in […]

[Infographic] The beef meat industry in China

Beef meat industry in China

The Beef meat industry in China: Why China needs US production On 22 September 2016, Chinese officials announced that the embargo instituted after an outbreak of “mad cow disease” (also called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE) in the United States in 2003 was partially lifted. Some American beef is making a comeback onto the plates in […]

China’s Beef Market: Industry Highlights

China's beef market

China’s market for beef has great potential. Due to the high demand of consumers, retail channels are creating new demands. International actors are also playing their role in order to find the best place to capitalize on new market trends. Chinese companies are also known to integrate into the global market by actively making outbound […]

Australian meat market in China

Australian meat market in China

Australian meat market in China Australian red meat exporters are comfortably entrenched as one of the biggest providers for the Chinese market. Despite significant projected changes to the local economy, the dominant share of Australian meat market in China is expected to remain true through to 2020 and beyond. V&V Walsh’s recent A$1 billion deal […]