Podcast transcript #8: How can businesses keep up with the changing mobile market in China?

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 8. Learn more about Thomas Meyer’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. BECOME AN EXPERT OF CHINA’S MOBILE INDUSTRY BY LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST Matthieu: Hello, everyone, thanks for listening to China Paradigm, the China business podcast sponsored by Daxue […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #8: How can businesses keep up with China’s changing mobile scene?

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Thomas Meyer, co-founder of Mobile Now Group. Thomas teaches us how businesses can keep up in China’s changing mobile scene, the best social commerce practices to do on WeChat, and some advice on getting to a good agreement with co-founding partners. Mobile Now Group has the […]
Car ownership vs hailing in China: substitutes are gaining traction in China mobility market

Considering growing number of population and wide adoption of disruptive perceptions, China’s car market has entered a brand-new phase where it has achieved a great number of car ownership and new car registrations. The market rapidly emerges into boutique sectors like renting, leasing, new energy vehicles and car-hailing. Now fewer consumers think of cars as […]
Mobile Banking in China

Mobile Banking in China [More market research in China] In 2012, the number of mobile banking usage reaches 150 million in China. This is 40% of world’s total. And the number is still rising. In 2012 users had grown by 100%, and transaction value had grown by 300%. Chinese Banks’ Strategy in Mobile Banking: CMBC […]
How ZTE started: the importance to enter China market in time

High-tech and communications are largely encouraged by government in China. The companies, which could predict such a demand in 80’s, are now the leaders of telecommunications industry. ZTE is one of such companies, which was established in 1985 by Hou Weigui. Our focus is on How ZTE started. Nowadays, the company is headquartered in Shenzhen […]