Impactful innovations in China that could be world game changers

Daxue consulting-innovation in China-Chinese civil drone

What innovations in China will change the world’s game and how? Mobile payment and the online to offline (O2O) model, as well as the introduction of several sharing apps like Mobike (摩拜单车), can be world game changers. But also innovations in China in quantum physics, supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are affecting the world. The […]

Mobile Payments Become New Norm in China

mobile payments in China

In the country’s eastern megacities, using smartphones to pay at the grocery store is completely normal. Due to the e-commerce boom and the infrequent use of bank cards, the habit of online payments in China has spread quickly. This type of transaction can be performed by a computer or a mobile phone. But Chinese people […]

Mobile Banking in China

mobile banking in CHina

Mobile Banking in China [More market research in China] In 2012, the number of mobile banking usage reaches 150 million in China. This is 40% of world’s total. And the number is still rising. In 2012 users had grown by 100%, and transaction value had grown by 300%. Chinese Banks’ Strategy in Mobile Banking: CMBC […]