Florasis is conquering the Chinese beauty market with elegantly oriental products

The Florasis brand was founded on March 8, 2017 in Hangzhou, China. In Chinese language the brand name is pronounced Hua Xizi (花西子), which means “make up with flowers”. It refers to the use of floral ingredients in their cosmetics. Xizi is also the honorary name for one of the ancient Chinese beauties. This Chinese cosmetics brand hopes to […]
TCM in marketing: meeting the demand for natural ingredients in beauty and personal care

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a healing approach that originated in China thousands of years ago. Chinese herbal medicine has a long historical tradition. Ancient herbology in China focused on potions whose function was part medicinal and part magical. In China today, traditional Chinese herbal medicine is used alongside conventional pharmaceutical treatment. Many brands have […]
China’s beauty quiz! | China Challenge

Test your knowledge on our new exciting China’s beauty quiz and discover your score out of 10! Ready? Subscribe to our newsletter to keep yourself up-to-date on the Chinese market! [wysija_form id=”7″] For more information on beauty and cosmetics in China, you can either read our related articles: Cosmetics and personal care market in China: […]
The shampoo market in China: trends and opportunities for new entrants | Daxue Consulting

The prospects of the shampoo market in China are booming Shampoo, as a daily consumer product, has one of the highest penetration rates of personal care products in China. Most Chinese people wash their hair every 2-3 days and buy a shampoo and hair-care products every few months. The size of the shampoo market in […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 38: How to start a dream driven elderly care business in China

China paradigm is a China business podcast sponsored by Daxue Consulting where we interview successful entrepreneurs about their businesses in China. You can access all available episodes from the China paradigm Youtube page. ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE WITH ALL THE DETAILS AND USEFUL LINKS Make the new economic China Paradigm positive leverage for […]
Why we predict the children’s oral care market in China will boom | Daxue Consulting

Children’s oral care is a niche market in China but has a pearly white future. Due to China’s second child policy, an increasing number of infants are born every year, leading to higher demand for infant care products. In addition, because of the progressed living standard and education level of the general Chinese population, parents […]