Green products in China: Growing out of ‘Niche’ but needs more investment

Eco-friendly consumption in China

Green products in China have become very successful in the past few years as the ‘green voice’ of citizens garners attention. Awareness of pollution and healthcare problems have transformed consumer’s habits significantly. Chinese markets are integrating this new pattern into their strategy and pay more attention to this global phenomenon, shifting towards green products at […]

Air Pollution in China: Why Does Indoor Air Quality Matter?

Air pollution in China

Air pollution in China is a major concern for Chinese people. Chinese central and local governments have been taking action during these past few years, leading to strong air quality improvements. Still, these measures are only the start of long-term efforts to get air that can be considered healthy. Air quality issue is about outdoor […]

How Purifier Market in China will Change the Path of Foreign Investment

Purifier Market in China

China has been suffering from polluted air and water since its beginning of the development in the early 1990s. Great concerns about the quality of air and water help to activate the market of purifiers in China. It’s a crucial moment now for foreign investments to enter the market as the rising attention expands the […]