China’s conquest of wine: Evolving wine drinking habits in China

Over the last ten years, China has been making up for lost time in terms of wine consumption, knowledge, and production. Although the country has a longer history with beer and hard liquor, wine drinking habits in China are evolving. E-commerce and westernized lifestyles: The wine market in China is changing at a quick pace […]
The red wine market in China: Production plummets, imports fill demand

China has become the first market for red wine in 2013. According to the survey from Jiuyejia, the top five countries by volume remain unchanged, with the US leading the way with 318 million cases, followed by Italy (266 million cases), France (250 million cases), Germany (244 million cases) and China (156 million cases). Germany […]
Wine Tourism in China is getting popular

To know more about the Wine Tourism in China, contact us at Wine Tourism in China Traditional Chinese drinking culture has most often involved toasting with shots of baijiu (spirit), but in the past couple years, the dinner table has a new guest: red wine. Chinese wine consumption is growing at seven times the […]
Rising Trend for the New World Wine in China

To know more about the New World Wine in China, contact us at New World Wine in China For the last 2 years the wine market has known a decreased in terms of volume due to the anti-corruption campaign, it is just recently that the wine market is slowly recovering, indeed, in 2015 the […]
Sparkling wine in China: will demand match supply?

Contact us to know more about the Sparkling Wine industry in China at, The consumption of wine in China has risen progressively during the twenty-first century and is showing no signs of decline. Indeed, the International Wine and Spirit Research Institute predicts that in 2016 3 680 000 000 cases of wine will be […]