Daxue Talks 4: How to start an online business in China

Start an online business in China The second guest of the Daxue Talks show is Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In this China business vlog, we clarify the difference between cross-border and e-commerce businesses in China. Also, we learn about the requirements to use Tmall Global. Jump to the questions: 0:23 What are […]
Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores

Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores Tmall and Taobao stores are crucial keys to the Chinese market for international brands. Alibaba platforms offer great resources for your market entry, but also for market analysis, some for free and some charged. Here is an overview of resources lists for Tmall and Taobao stores. 1. Resources […]
5 tips to success in your SEO in China

5 tips to success in your SEO in China SEO in China has become part of any decent digital marketing strategy these past few years to improve your brand awareness, as well as your e-reputation. In a country where there is a 45% internet penetration rate and where trust is everything, there is little room […]
How to sell on Tmall

How to sell on Tmall [see also How to sell on Taobao] Due to rapid growth of Internet users in Chine, whose number already reached more than 500 million, e-commerce market is shrinking every year at spectacular pace and is expected to surpass the US online shopping market by 2015. As a result, a lot […]