What to know about the newest special economic zone in China: Xiong’an New Area

xiongan new economic zone china

What is a special economic zone in China? In the late 1970s and 1980s, the Chinese began experimenting with capitalism by opening up special economic zones in coastal areas. These special areas were allowed special economic rules separate from the rest of the country. For example, foreign investment and companies in these areas faced lower […]

Grüne Gebäude in China

Grüne Gebäude in China Grünes Bauen hat sich als Schlüsselelement in der zukünftigen Entwicklung der chinesischen Wirtschaft herausgestellt, besonders weil 25% des Energiekonsums in China auf Gebäude zurückzuführen ist. Die grüne Bauindustrie in China erlebt einen Boom: Das erste grüne Gebäude in China wurde 2005 gebaut – bis heute werden 3046 grüne Gebäude in China gezählt. […]

Cost of baby in China

Because of  the inflation and the increase of living cost, Chinese young couples seem to be more anxious about raising a baby than years ago, especially for those who living in first-tier cities, like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Taking Shanghai for example, it will spend over 30,000 a year on average for raising a child […]