Our client is a high-end beauty and fragrance company with a firm presence in China, recognized for its high-quality cosmetics and innovative campaigns. The company aims to expand its presence in China and adjust its products and services to Chinese consumers’ preferences, skincare routines and beauty standards.
Our client is continuously running campaigns and collaborations promoting different products in China, therefore, they reached out to Daxue Consulting to analyse skincare-specific trends to strengthen or review the market hypothesis.
The research answered three main objectives;
We used the social listening method to analyse current trends, dividing our process into three steps:
Step 1: Brand product sentiment & performance and campaign reaction analysis
Step 2: Ingredients trends for future product development
Step 3: Skin issues need gap identification
The brand audit was mainly focused on evaluating brand competitiveness. We extracted data on clients’ brand and specific products in comparison to competitors.
To evaluate brand competitiveness, we extracted social media data on competitors to identify:
We then moved to mapping the main ingredient opportunities and concerns for the client in China.
To do so, we ranked the top ingredients for each skin type and analysed them in the context of our client’s products.
We extracted additional data on skin issues to identify potential white spaces for the client, including:
Through our social listening method, we came to a thorough qualification of trends and key success factors. By leveraging qualitative and quantitative analysis, we presented our client with recommendations based on actual trends, interactions and conversations around skincare.
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