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China’s eyewear market soars post-pandemic

eyewear market in china

Over the years, the eyewear market in China has witnessed remarkable growth and this trend is set to continue post-pandemic, fueled by factors such as increasing disposable income, changing fashion trends, and rising awareness about eye health. Chinese consumers have developed a strong appreciation for both style and functionality when it comes to eyewear, creating […]

China’s luxury leather goods market remains resilient despite the pandemic

Chinese consumers were reported to spend 741 billion RMB on luxury goods in 2021, recording an increase of 36% compared to the previous year. Despite the impact of Covid-19, China’s luxury market has witnessed continuous growth. According to Bain & Company, China’s luxury market accounted for 21% of the global market in 2021, and it […]

Tiffany & Co. in China: Omnichannel marketing to target millennials

Tiffany & Co. in China

Tiffany & Co. officially entered the Chinese mainland market in 2001, but it didn’t open its own store until 2007. At present, China has become the second largest market for the Tiffany brand after the United States. In 2020, Tiffany’s quarterly report showed that although China’s sales fell 85% year-on-year in January due to the […]

Yin jewelry, redefining the gold jewelry market in China

Yin jewelry gold market in China

Yin jewelry (隐) is a Chinese jewelry brand created in 2014 by two Chinese women. Starting out as a niche independent designer studio on Taobao at first and then Tmall, Yin jewelry is now working towards a mass-market brand. The brand’s concept is to create and sell “timeless, subtle and gold jewelry”. Download our report […]