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How China is taking the lead on the smart city implementation?

smart city programs implementation in China

China, since 2013, has been working on implementing the concept of Smart Cities and creating ecosystems aiming at position the domestic high-tech industries as world leaders. Smart city is using advanced digital solutions and IoT (Internet of Things) to implement data-driven urban strategies. For the Chinese authorities, this strong focus and incentives on the development […]

E-commerce in Rural China, the New Frontier

Taobao villages

Will the development of E-commerce in Rural China be the next biggest challenge for the Middle Kingdom? The development of e-commerce in rural China will be the next biggest challenge facing the nation in the upcoming years. As e-commerce has been successfully implemented in urban areas in the past, main service providers Alibaba (阿里巴巴) and Taobao […]

A Chinese life – Chinese demographics

China has the biggest population in the world. 1.4 billion people in 2014, up more than 385 million since 1980! And even if the growth is decreasing and will probably hit its peak before 2035, that’s a huge and largely untapped potential for consumer demand! Who are they though? Through this video, we propose an […]

Motorcycles in China: Commute or Entertainment?

Daxue Consulting-Motorcycles in China-Chinese motorcycles-vehicles in China-Motorcycle market in China

Motorcycles have long been a favorite for personal transportation in China, passenger vehicles and cargo transportation in rural China, but they’re now facing unprecedented challenges in China. The motorcycle market in China doesn’t have a long history but that hasn’t prevented China from being the world’s largest producer of motorcycle for twenty consecutive years, growing […]

Industry 4.0 in China: Catching Up With The West

Industrial productivity has been increased significantly by technological advances. A new phrase is entering the vocabulary, thanks to a German effort; Industry 4.0. China, as always, has its own answer to this initiative. The invention of the steam engine introduced the first form of industry by powering factories in the 19th century, and with the […]

O2O business in China: Domestic Monopoly?

Daxue Consulting

China counts 618 million Internet users, double the total population of the United States. The Chinese internet ecosystem is the largest in the world but also one of the most isolated. Barriers between the Chinese internet and the rest of the world isn’t just a result of Chinese censorship of many foreign sites and services, […]

Perfumes in China – Scent of A Good Future

Daxue consulting-Perfumes in China-Perfume market in China

Perfumes in China are slowly being introduced across the entire country. The unique cultural roots attached to perfumes embodies a challenge to perfume developers and sales unpredictable. There’s a false perception that perfume is a new thing in China, but it’s based on a technicality; perfumes are a new thing, but fragrances aren’t. Rather than […]

Luxury goods market in China

luxury goods market in china

Luxury goods market in China: Optimistic Prospects? The potential of luxury goods market in China It is predicted that China will account for about 20%, and ¥180 billion luxury sales in the world in the year of 2011. Even during the global recession, sales of luxury goods in China mainland increased by 16%, reaching nearly […]

App Market in China

As Chinese continue equipping themselves with mobile phones at a very fast rate, the app market in China is enjoying a similarly large growth. Today there are 1.29 billion mobile users in China, and that mobile phone market is fueling the app market. Recently, with the success of the iPhone 5 (featuring a larger screen), […]

Security Market in China – Improving Security or Control?

Security Market in China Daxue Consulting

The Chinese security and public safety market is the largest in the world. The industry is on the rise, with significant opportunities in homeland security and public safety. In China, people attach a lot of importance to safety as it is the top priority, along with health. This desire for safety is common in China and […]

Daxue FAQ – CRE Selling its Retail Unit

China Resources Enterprise (CRE) sold its retail unit back in April to focus on beer production. What drove the decision and how is the retail sector in China currently coping? In answer to your first questions, it’s a relatively simple case of Chinese Resources Enterprises focusing on what can turn a profit and handing off […]