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Daxue Talks transcript #30: How to sell on Pinduoduo’s cross-border platform

Pinduoduo cross border platform

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 30. Olivier Verot is sharing his thoughts about Pinduoduo’s cross-border platform and gives precious advice on how to leverage it for your business in China. Full transcript below: Interviewer: You are servicing clients in Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce, what kind of platform is a Pinduoduo cross – border? Find out more […]

Daxue Talks 30: Understand Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce in 5 minutes

Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce

In this episode of Daxue Talks, we bring back our guest Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). Vérot brought his expertise about how global brands can practice Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce. ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE Questions: You are servicing clients on Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce, what kind of platform is Pinduoduo […]

Daxue Talks 29: Key benefits of cross-border e-commerce in China

cross border e-commerce China

In this episode of Daxue Talks, we bring back our guest Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In this China business vlog, Olivier Vérot explains cross-border e-commerce processes and questions that could arise based on comprehensive examples. ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE Question: What are the key differences between managing […]

Internet in China: Rapid growth with increasing mobile users

Internet in China

How internet quickly developed in China As internet became prevalent in the late 1990’s, it quickly emerged across China. China’s internet penetration has grown from 2.1 million at the end of 1998, to 854 million active users as in June 2019. Up to 2017, 54.3% of total population was internet users in China. No doubt […]

Daxue Talks transcript #24: The 2019 challenges in retail in China

challenges retail China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 24. Learn from Max Peiro the biggest challenges in retail in China traditional brands have faced amd how to overcome these obstacles in 2020. Full transcript below: Max Peiro: My name is Max Peiro. I’m obviously not Chinese. I’m from Barcelona, but I’ve been living for 12 years in Shanghai. And […]

Advantages of Brand Independence in China

Advantages of brand independence in China

What is Brand Independence? Brand independence refers to a brand not relying on any other third party channels such as online marketplaces to sell products. In this case, the traffic will be driven from independent sales channels such as the brand’s own website. Brands, in turn, can manage their own identity, assets, and digital assets […]



时间: 2020年3月5日,上午9:30至下午6:30 (包含早餐与午餐) 地点: 上海交通大学 在为期一天的培训中,您将了解到如何: 脱离天猫或京东此类传统电商平台,完成品牌独立化; 定义品牌官网的独特卖点 发展品牌私域流量并建立社群 价格: MBA学生390元,初创企业520元,已成立的公司590 (包含早饭,午饭和应有尽有的能量咖啡) 折扣: 2月20日前订票可享受-30%的优惠;如您的参加人数大于三人,请咨询我们享受特别优惠。 什么是品牌独立? 品牌独立意味着品牌方可以独立管理消费者流量(也称为“私域流量”)。独立的品牌不会通过京东,天猫和考拉这类传统电商平台销售产品,而是通过自己的官方网站(完成销售以及流量的获取。品牌的独立渠道主要包括:官方网站(,官方应用程序(brand app),小程序以及品牌线下零售店。 品牌独立的优势是什么? 首先,品牌方可以节省推广活动相关的费用。其次,品牌方通过使用更完善的客户管理(CRM)系统直接与消费者进行互动。此外,品牌知名度的提高会同时带动消费者忠诚度的提升,并且基于对消费者需求的更好理解,消费者的用户体验也会得到改善。最后,消费者的购买决定将更少的受到价格影响,而更多的被忠诚度驱动。 你可以扫描下方的二维码来报名参加我们的活动!完成报名后,我们会在短时间内将本次活动的更多相关信息发送到你的邮箱。 See this article about Brand Independence workshop in English.

What you need to know to sell online in China

sell online China

China is the world’s leading e-commerce market With more than 610 million digital consumers, China is currently the world’s leading e-commerce market. With such potential, it is not surprising that China has become the new goldmine for online retailers, local or international. In this article we outline the basic information to sell online in China. China cross-border […]