Creating an e-commerce company in China: where to start?

After their conference on “Creating a company in China: where to start?”, the Biznest commission presents its next conference on e-commerce in China: “Creating a company in e-commerce in China: where to start ?”Are you a young entrepreneur in e-commerce and want to know more before starting your business? Or, have you already created your company but want to understand the sector better to help develop your business ?

Join this conference on April 29th!

logo-commission-biznest-300x141Several experts will answer the questions you may be asking yourself such as, “What kind of platforms are available online and how can I sell my product?”, “What are the partners’ and payment methods available?” and “How can I be successful in my online communication and e-marketing ?”

Meet us on April 29th at 7 pm at the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Beijing (address : C512, Lufthansa Center, No.50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District). The conference will end at 8:30 pm followed by a networking cocktail reception.

The conference will be in English. Seats are limited, so please register on CCIFC’s website :

Thank you !
The Biznest commission of the JCEF

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