Daxue's team: Shawn Lou

Discover Daxue’s team: Shawn Lou

“Chance favors the prepared mind.”

Can you introduce yourself and your background?

I was born in China, and at 18 I moved to the UK to continue my high school studies. I graduated from the University of Sussex with a degree in Accounting and Finance. During my undergraduate studies, I gained some working experience in the marketing field and e-commerce. After graduating, I enrolled at the University of Warwick for my master’s. I worked at a London based company named Brandalamode as Global E-commerce Market Lead, managing both in-house e-commerce website and comprehensive e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay.

What are you doing for Daxue Consulting?

As a Project Manager at Daxue, my principal duties are defining and clarifying the project outlook, developing the research framework, and doing the marketing research. When the research phase is completed, I analyze the data and provide the client with the information required, as well as some recommendations based on my findings.

What recent project did you work on? Do you have a specific sector you like to work on?

qqFor now, I am working on two projects. The first one is for a German trading company. The project aims to provide the client with strategic consulting to establish an online business presence in China. This project is quite large and will last more than five months. The second project I am working on is a survey project for a UK consulting company, who are targeting at female customers from Hong Kong. The study is about gaining the consumer insight towards online banking service via a mobile app. My sector of specialization is the consumer electronics industry and particularly mobile phone. I am an enthusiast towards electronic/digital products.

What recent news did catch your eyes in China?

One of the topics I found interesting in the news recently is the mysterious explosion of the newest Samsung Galaxy Note 7. After the explosion incident, Samsung announced themselves that they could not even find a solution to end this technical problem, which sounds quite unusual considering it’s coming from such reputable technology company. Besides, for any loyal Samsung customer, we all aware that Galaxy Note series is meant to be the most high-end Samsung smart phone of all. Now its reputation has been jeopardized by this unfortunate incident, people even start losing their confidence in using their devices due to safety issues. I wonder what is Samsung’s next move to restore their reputation, especially in China.

Any hobby in Shanghai? Where would be your first choice for a dinner/party in Shanghai?

One of my favorite things to do in Shanghai is exploring the city and enjoying its amazing and diverse cuisine. My favorite restaurant so far is ChuanShuoGuShi (串说故事) situated at Sichuan North Road and specialized in the Chinese barbecue.

Do you have a personal motto?

“Chance favors the prepared mind.”

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