Carnegie Mellon University in China

Focus on Carnegie Mellon in China

Located in Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University is a private owned research university in America. Although its scale is not large, nearly all its majors are leading in the world. Its school of computer science and school of drama are all oldest in America. Now, its school of art, school of business, school of engineering and school of public management are all leading in the world. Its major of computer science is the best in America, and its MBA program is ranked by The Economist the 16th in the world. In this focus on Carnegie Mellon, we will go over what makes this university one of the best in America and also how it can help you grow your career in China.

What makes Carnegie Mellon University so Great?

Carnegie Mellon University has 7 departments. They are: Carnegie Institute of Technology, College of Fine Arts, Tepper School of Business, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mellon College of Science, School of Computer Science and H. John Heinz III College. These 7 schools provide almost all majors that a comprehensive university should have. Besides all the routine bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees, Carnegie Mellon University  encourages its students to break up the interdisciplinary barriers and make brave research into new fields. It also has special interdisciplinary B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs, such as Bachelor of Science in Computational Biology, Master of Entertainment Technology, Master of Engineering & Technology Innovation Management, and Ph.D. Program in Machine Learning.

Carnegie’s school motto is ‘My heart is in the work’. This belief is deeply rooted in the campus culture. Under its inspiration, Carnegie Mellon University  gives its students intensive training. Together with Caltech, MIT, Princeton and Chicago, it is one of the world’s most ‘cruel’ universities. The business school of Carnegie Mellon University is its pride. In the Wall Street Journal ranking of business schools, its business school, for years, ranks only behind Dartmouth.

With its deep research into many applied sciences, alumni of Carnegie Mellon University have achieved many awards. They have won the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Academy Award, Emmy Award, and Tony Award. These include famous people like John Nash and Herb Simon, who made historical dedications to the fields of psychology, computer science, and economics.

How can Macquarie University  help you start a career in China?

Many famous Chinese people have studied at Carnegie Mellon University . Mao Yisheng(茅以升), the great bridge engineer, obtained his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University. This is also the first Ph.D. degree that Carnegie Mellon University has ever given. Wu Ziliang(吴自良), who obtained his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in year 1948, made contribution to China’s atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite project. Li Kaifu(李开复), former CEO of Google China, received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in year 1988.

Early in year 2005, Xidian University(西安电子科技大学) had signed agreements with Carnegie Mellon University in introducing some of Carnegie Mellon University’s advanced courses in software engineering.

In 2011, Carnegie Mellon University cooperated with Sun Yat-Sen University in establish Sun Yat-Sen-Carnegie Mellon University Joined School of Engineering in Guangdong(广东). And it also cooperated with Nanjing University(南京大学) to have a branch school in Nanjing(南京). The School of Foreign Language of Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(北京航空航天大学) has 1-year-long exchange programs with the major of English in Carnegie Mellon University. Also, Zhejiang University(浙江大学) has exchange programs with Carnegie Mellon University for graduates. And, Carnegie Mellon University is looking for cooperation with Tsinghua University(清华大学) in public administration and computer science.

On top of those partnerships, Carnegie Mellon University  is offering extensive Chinese language programs and various international business programs to give you the tools to start your career in China. At Daxue, we can help you further with our internship program that will help you develop a better understanding of the Chinese market. With us, you will work on market research reports and in-depth articles in the fields that interest you the most and learn more about China’s business environment. 

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Edited by Amy Wang from Daxue Consulting China

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