Market study: Princeton in China

Princeton University is located in Princeton, New Jersey. Being a member of the Ivy League, it is now one of America’s best universities. With a history starting from year 1746, it is the 5th oldest school in America, following Harvard, the College of William and Mary, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania.

About Princeton

Princeton is where the Americans claimed their first victory in the Revolutionary War, where Einstein spent the last 22 years of his life, where John Nash, the founder of game theory, achieved some of his best accomplishments. Princeton produced 2 presidents of America and 44 state governors. Also, it has produced many elite scholars, among whom there are 33 Nobel Prize winners. In 2008, Princeton ranked first in the rankings of American universities.

Just like the College of William and Mary, Princeton values honesty and morality in life. All of its undergraduate students have to sign an ‘Honor Code’ that promises academic integrity. Students are on their honor not to cheat in exams and they must report to the board of honor if they catch someone cheating. Due to this ‘Honor Code’, there are no supervisors during the exams in Princeton.

Currently, Princeton has about 6,400 students, with 4,600 undergraduates. Students come from all 50 states of America, and 50 different countries including Canada, China, Singapore, England and Germany. Overseas students make up 5% of the student population. Princeton is proudest of its undergraduate program. There is a teacher for about every 6 students, which is rare in universities in America.  Since the student population is not very big, teachers have abundant time to assist students with any issues they have with class or their homework. Princeton gives a Bachelor of Arts degree to students who major in humanity science, social science and natural science, and gives a Bachelor of Science degree to students who major in engineering or technology.

The graduate degrees of Princeton, especially Ph.D., are highly coveted, especially in mathematics, physics, economics, history and philosophy. But, unlike other universities, it does not have big graduate schools for law or business. Its most famous graduate school is Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, which was established in 1930.

Princeton in China

Princeton has a strong relationship with China. Hu Shi(胡适), the famous Chinese scholar, was the first library curator of the Gest Oriental Library of Princeton. Chen Xingsheng(陈省身), a Wolf Prize, National Medal of Science Award, Lobachevsky Prize and Shaw Prize winner, was an important figure the development of differential geometry and once worked at Princeton as a senior scholar. Famous scientists who have worked in Princeton include the famous scholars, Nobel Prize winner Frank Yang(杨振宁) and Tsung-Dao Lee(李政道). Hua Luogeng(华罗庚) taught at Princeton for 5 years. Yao Qizhi(姚期智), an A.M. Turing Award winner, who is now a professor in Tsinghua University, also used to work there.

Priceton set up an eight-day long exchange program for Chinese students from Tsinghua University(清华大学), Beijing University(北京大学) and Renmin University of China(中国人民大学). This program takes excellent students from these 3 universities to experience Princeton, Harvard, Yale, MIT, UPenn, Columbia, and the University of Chicago.

Daxue Consultant China


Photo Source: Baidu

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