Market Entry in China Project

Market Entry in China Project

Our client is a famous European education group who was looking to conduct a market research to map better the viability of establishing a new school in the west of China.

Traditionally, Chinese have always paid close attention to the role of education in their life, and the growing wealthy population in central and western areas represents a huge opportunity for different schools.

Chinese central and western cities are more and more on the rise for domestic and overseas investment, mainly thanks to the new “Go West” policies enhanced by the central government, attracting tourists, businesses and new industries to the city.

That is why the client contacted Daxue Consulting to define a strategy to better entry in this developing segment of the market in China.

Steps of the market research –Market Entry in China Project

The phases presented below show the topics Daxue researched, and the methodologies used to collect first-hand market insights.

Phase 1: Online analysis

Daxue’s team performed a thorough online analysis of the education environment and potential clients in the targeted city.

The online analysis in China is a methodology which uses the internet to gather data and information about the market, the competition, and the consumers. This is well-known, but still very useful, part of the market research discipline.

The collected information regarded competitors International School standards like fees, tuition, academic professors background, dormitory, etc.

Phase 2: Mystery visit

To confirm the information gathered through the online analysis, our team organized a mystery visit.

This methodology is crucial to get the real “feeling” of the information that was collected online. We deployed a mystery visitor to a second tier city in the West regions of China instructed to get every sensitive information useful to get a better understanding and a first-hand experience of competitor’s facilities.

Our researchers used the information collected through this methodology and then triangulated them with a tailor-made interview to potential clients.

Phase 3: Interview

Daxue’s team then, once gathered all these market insights, organized a meeting with the possibility local customers. Being International Schools very expensive, we asked further information mainly to the wealthier people, to provide a more accurate and realistic market pattern description to our client.

Following these methodologies made possible for our Researchers team to provide to our client with strategic recommendations on the West China education market segment and their future venture.