Project: Market Survey of C-suite managers in China

C-Suite managers in ChinaDescription: The objective of this research was to administrate a survey to 50 people in China working in organizations with a turnover of more than 500 million USD (Worldwide) at a C-suite or one-level below and that have used management consultants in the last 2 years. The interviews were spread over Hong-Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing. The sectors that covered were energy, natural resources and utilities, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, pharma, public sector/state-owned organizations (including education), retail, services (including transportation, construction, professional services), technology, media, and telecoms.

Output: In less than 2 weeks Daxue Consulting identified and administrated the 50 questionnaires to managers in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. The final “raw” data file was handed out to the client for further analysis.