Sensory Research

Direct quantification of a human’s perception is necessary to understand how a given product will be accepted in the Chinese market and what specific component appeals to the market. Thus, sensory research in China is essential to get feedback on a product and understand its potential market appeal.

Sensory research is a scientific research methodology that uses the principles of experimental design and statistical analysis of the five human senses:

  • Olfactometric (sense of smell)
  • Gustatory (sense of taste)
  • Haptic (sense of touch)
  • Optic (sense of vision)
  • Acoustic (sense of hearing)

The human brain receives information through them and compares it to earlier experiences to then make a purchase decision. In this era of information overload, emotion plays an increasingly important role when it comes to making purchasing decisions.

Our steps for running sensory research in China:


We evaluate differences and similarities between your products and our samples.


Our team will then identify and quantify those features within your product profile.


Our specialists will perform extensive screening to select the right target.


We will conduct sensory research in a specific, controlled environment to eliminate bias.


Our team includes native moderators available in both first- and lower-tier cities and will gather both quantitative sensory response and subjective data.


Our consultants will use scientometrics and other techniques to identify important consumer insights and provide valuable recommendations from the gathered data.

What Sensory Research in China brings you

Collecting critical feedback about your products

Sensory research assists you in identifying which specific product attributes appeal to consumers and which need to be modified.

Deeper understanding of your customers

Sensory research can help you to understand consumers’ expectations and their responses to your products.

Support your strategic decisions

Information gathered can aid you to make key choices including product adaptation and development, shelf-life determination, and quality control.

Sensory Research in China's related services and methodologies