Selling chocolate in China
Daxue Consulting helps companies and individuals to start a business in China through a market research, potential analysis, cost analysis, implementation feasability, data-mining across the internet.
Selling chocolates in China is till challenging. The 8 cuisines of China rarely fit with chocolates and it is more among minorities such as in Xingjiang that you can find an attraction for sweet tastes. Nevertheless, the number of Chinese buying chocolates as a gift or simply for their own consumption is increasing fast in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Hong-Kong, Maucau or Taipei.
Plan to start a bakery, chocolate shop or online store selling chocolate
Daxue Consulting activates various methodologies for you to get a precise idea whether to grab a new business opportunity:
- Information collection through documentary research
- Qualitative interviews with market experts, clients, competitors and prospects
- Interviews with competitors through various approaches
- Qualitative interviews with prospects or clients
- Synthesis of internal documents and internal products
- Focus groups and store-checks
- Etc.
Plan to start a chocolate-related business in China
The recommendations resulting from the research go along with the following documents:
- Figures on the main distribution networks
- A benchmark of practices of competitors and their strategies
- Summary sheets that detail the opportunities to grab
- Recommendations about the business environment
Price of the services
A market research is charged on a day-study/person basis between 500 and 3000 RMB (55 and 330 euros). The minimum price for a project is 5,000 RMB (550 euros). Some projects may reach up to 500,000 RMB (50.000 euros) especially when the study is part of a long-term contract.
More about chocolate market in China