Negotiating in China: 6 tips in dealing with Chinese business partners


Negotiating in China can be a long, slow process. In fact, there is no one “way” of negotiating in China. There are many resources on Chinese business and negotiating culture available; however, sometimes they are overly general and reinforce stereotypes that may not be true. For more fruitful outcomes, foreigners are suggested to study their […]

8 steps for foreign brands to leverage Chinese trade fairs and exhibitions

Chinese trade fairs and expositions

Chinese trade fairs and exhibitions are the most valuable link for foreign brands to expand their network. Many foreign brands in China must rely on local forces to be successful, cooperating with Chinese companies. On the other hands, Chinese trade fairs and exhibitions are an excellent opportunity for domestic companies to “benchmark” with the world’s first-class […]

Young workers are calling quits on China’s workplace drinking culture

China’s workplace drinking culture

In early August 2021, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba was embroiled in a sexual assault scandal involving one of its female employees, Wang, and her manager, Zhang. Following the incident being made public, it sparked criticism within the Chinese online community and state media. Alibaba has since fired Zhang, who is now under arrest on suspicion […]

Daxue Talks transcript #55: The legal procedure to shut down a business in China

shut down a business in China

Find here the Daxue Talks 55 interview. In this episode, Nicolas Coster, a business lawyer based in Shanghai, answers our questions concerning the procedure required to shut down a business in China. Full transcript below: I am Nicolas Coster, I’m a French business lawyer. I’ve been in China for 16 years and specialized in foreign […]

Daxue Talks 48: Application of conflict management techniques in crisis situations

conflict management techniques in crisis situations

Conflict management techniques in crisis situations The next guest on Daxue Talks is a psychologist and the head of psychology at ChingHo clinic, David Ammerschlaeger. In this China business vlog, we are talking about how to choose the right conflict management technique and what are the options in this particular situation with coronavirus, quarantine and […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 48: Building relationships with the Chinese government

Building relationships with the Chinese government

Lucas Rondez, CEO and Founder of niHub Innovation Center, speaks with Matthieu David-Experton about his experience in China that led up to the founding of niHao App and niHub Innovation Center, the importance of building relationships with the Chinese government within your district and city, and how to become an honorary citizen with many awards. […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 36: How to run a headhunting company in China

headhunting company in China podcast

Jenny Shi, founder of Uniway Consulting, a headhunting company in China helping businesses find the best candidates to fill their positions. In this episode of China Paradigm, Jenny explains how she grew her business, and what tactics and tools are used in the headhunting industry in China and around the world. Highlights of this episode […]

Gift giving culture in Chinese business

culture in Chinese business

Gift giving culture in Chinese business When in Rome, do as the Romans do As one of the two world’s largest economies, China never loses its appeal to foreign investors to bring their business sin and take a slice of this lucrative pie. Its huge population size, sternly growing economy due to Chinese government’s investment-led […]