[Podcast] China paradigm episode 10 – How an app makes China’s healthcare more consumer-centric

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Sebastien Gaudin, the CEO, and co-founder of The CareVoice. The CareVoice is a health insurance tech company which uses a SAAS (software as a service) business model to make hospitals and clinics more customer-centric. Learn how Gaudin aligns the interests across many communities like health, tech, […]
[Podcast] China paradigm episode #9: How to successfully run a restaurant in China

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Florent Bonnefoy, founder of Bonnefoy + Partners, about his 10 years of experience in the food-related business in greater China. He explains us how to perfectly run a restaurant in China. Bonnefoy + Partners works with food entrepreneurs across China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #8: How can businesses keep up with China’s changing mobile scene?

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Thomas Meyer, co-founder of Mobile Now Group. Thomas teaches us how businesses can keep up in China’s changing mobile scene, the best social commerce practices to do on WeChat, and some advice on getting to a good agreement with co-founding partners. Mobile Now Group has the […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #3: How to build and run a SaaS product in China with Thomas Morisset

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Thomas Morisset, CEO of the Saas made for goods. Through the story of Made for goods, we explore how to build and run a SaaS product in China. Thomas Morisset explains how he found his co-founders, his business model and how to enter the WeChat ecosystem. […]