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Daxue Talks transcript #54: The Coronavirus crisis’ repercussions on fintech in China

coronavirus repercussion in fintech in China

The Coronavirus crisis’ repercussions on fintech in China In this episode of Daxue Talks, Steve Hopkins, a China’s fintech specialist, discusses the Coronavirus crisis’ repercussions on fintech in China. Hi everyone, my name is Steve Hopkins. I’ve been operating within the Chinese fintech industry for the past several years, working at Chinese hedge funds, robo […]

Daxue Talks transcript #50: Understanding China’s fintech ecosystem

Chinas's fintech ecosystem

China’s fintech ecosystem Find here Daxue Talks episode 50. Steve Hopkins shares his knowledge and helps you better understand China’s fintech ecosystem. Full transcript below: Hi everyone, my name is Steve Hopkins. I’ve been operating within the Chinese fintech industry for the past several years, working at Chinese hedge funds, robo-advisors, cryptocurrency investment banks and […]

A brief history of the Chinese financial system: how did Chinese companies conquer the international stock markets? | Daxue Consulting

How to Invest in Chinese Stocks

The Chinese financial system The growing prominence of the Chinese economy at the international level has gradually gained the attention of international media. In particular, the opening up of the Chinese stock market has attracted the interest of international investors that saw China as an untapped investment opportunity. However, for many of these international investors, […]

How the Economic Reforms in China has evolved?

Economic reforms in China

To know more about the Chinese market in China, contact Daxue Consulting at  Chinese track records on financial reforms China’s opening up model can no longer meet the needs of its financial markets. The pace of opening up the financial sector is becoming incompatible with the country’s status as a leading economic power. Indeed, […]