Guide to Free Internet Essentials in China

Overview of the cloud storage market in China With the rapid development of cloud computing, big data, and the internet of things in recent years, human has entered a new stage—the Post-mobile Era. Widespread of computer technology and network communication is bringing unprecedented opportunities of cloud storage in China. [Data source: Zhiyan consulting, “Size of […]
The success of Taobao on the Chinese Internet

How have Taobao on the Chinese internet evolved compared with its Western counterparts? In many ways, the Great Firewall has allowed China to develop unique applications, and not equivalent versions, of the biggest online platforms the West enjoys. Just as Baidu (百度) is not China’s Google, nor is Tencent (腾讯) China’s Facebook, their similarities are […]
Market Analysis: Chinese Website Design VS Western Website Design

To know more about Chinese Website Design, contact us at This article focuses on the general and basic “cultural/localization aspect” that denotes why Chinese website design (Chinese UX design/ Chinese UI design) is different from the Western UX design/UI design. Deeper understanding of the specific cultural differences between the “East” and “West” website design […]
Internet Use in China

Growing Internet Use in China With more than 630 million internet users in 2014, Internet use in China is still growing very fast. While its very first Internet connection has been made in 1987 with Germany, China is now the largest base of net users of the world, in spite of the ban of few […]
Weixin 3
PART 5 Market competition IM market is composed by Weixin and other competitors. In the point of view of the whole China market, seen from Figure 2, Mobile QQ, Mobile Fetion, and Mobile MSN were first three IM software, the market share were 57.8%, 27% and 8.1% respectively. But for weixin, even though its accumulated […]