How wealthy Chinese spend their holidays: New trends shaping China’s luxury travel market

Due to the pandemic and the continuous lockdowns in China, China’s travel market, especially China’s luxury travel market has faced big challenges. In 2019, China’s domestic tourism revenue reached 5.73 trillion yuan. However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused revenue to plummet by 61%. Although looking more optimistic, China’s domestic tourism revenue in 2021 stopped […]
Daxue Talks transcript #41: Medical tourism in China as a booming business

In this episode of Daxue Talks Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, talks about medical tourism in China as a booming business. Full transcript below: How can you promote medical tourism online in China? It is a very good question. Online, it is extremely effective for medical tourism. I just explain what medical tourism is. […]
Daxue Talks 31: Ctrip point of interest: The next era of user created content

In this episode of Daxue Talks, we bring back our guest Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). Vérot shares his understanding of a new trend which is going to be a big thing in the near future using the example of Ctrip point of interest. ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE […]
Embracing China’s silver generation: how brands market to seniors in China | daxue consulting

China’s silver generation China’s silver economy is full of potential for brands who know how to market to seniors in China What does China’s aging population mean for brands Often referred to as the seniors’ market, the Silver Economy in China covers all products and services intended for people aged 60 and older. China has gradually transferred into […]
Chinese tourism in Germany: Chinese perceptions of German cities | Daxue Consulting

Chinese tourism in Germany Where in Germany do Chinese travel? China is the largest source market worldwide – there were 149.72 million outbound trips from Chinese tourists in 2018, with a Y-o-Y increase of 14.7%. Asian countries are the first choice for most Chinese when they travel abroad. Europe has become the second favorite destination […]
China’s customized tourism market in 2019 | Daxue Consulting

“Customized travel in the Chinese tourism market is unique in that it is characterized by its popularity, youthfulness, and high growth rates.” – COTRI director Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arltstated Growing demand for private tours for Chinese tourists Customized tours are trips with personalized itineraries. This provides tourists with flexibility catering to specific interests and […]
What do Chinese consumers think of Duty Free shops?

What are Chinese consumers attitudes towards Duty Free shops? Duty Free shops are retail outlet stores that are exempt from paying all local or national taxes. This tax exemption is on the basis that the goods sold in these stores will be sold to travelers who will carry them outside of the country. Inside of […]
How does Chinese Tourists Travel: Location Choices & Reasons

Chinese tourists: the foreign destinations’ market yet to be saturated International destinations are experiencing an increased interest from the Chinese tourists. An increasingly higher number of Chinese are spending their holidays abroad seeking a unique experience. In 2014 the outbound of Chinese travelers reached 117 million, a rise of 20% over 2013, marking the new […]