How digitalization in China will reach new heights post-2022 lockdowns as consumers seek experiences from the comfort of their homes

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese businesses have been undergoing remarkable digital transformation. However, over the course of the pandemic, and in part due to the Zero-COVID policy, many industries began further digitalizing their business practices. This digitalization in China has been especially apparent over the course of the recent 2022 Shanghai lockdowns that took […]
The Chinese eBook market: The average Chinese e-book user reads 9.1 books a year, here is what they are reading

Chinese eBook market is thriving. According to the 2021 China Digital Reading Report published by China Audio-video and Digital Publishing Association, the population of Chinese digital reading users in 2020 has reached 494 million, which was an increase of 5.56% over 2019. The digital reading industry market size was RMB35.16 billion, boasting an increase of […]
Daxue Talks transcript #75: China’s digital transformation and CRM players

Find here Daxue Talks episode 75. In this episode, Aurelien Rigart, Vice President and partner at IT Consultis, discusses the CRM landscape and CRM players in China as a result of digital transformation. What are the main requests during and after the COVID-19 lockdown? In early 2019, when we did an interview with you, you […]
Tips on business management during the Coronavirus from entrepreneurs in China

We asked entrepreneurs in China how they coped with the Coronavirus outbreak Our research on crisis management in China has already suggested the most important strategies to ensure business continuity include; embracing social responsibility, adopting technology, caring for employees, and adapting your purpose to new market demands. However to take our research one step further, […]
Daxue Talks transcript #9: Working with KOLs on Douyin

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 9. From the talk with Fabian learn in 2-5 minutes how to work with KOLs on Douyin. Full transcript below: My name is Fabian, I am the founder and co-director of UPLAB, a company where we help influencers become better at who they are and at the same time we […]
Daxue Talks 9: Leverage Douyin to reach gen Z

Leverage Douyin Fabian Ouwehand, Douyin expert and entrepreneur in China gives us the most recent information on the Chinese digital giant, Douyin (called Tik-Tok in the West). In this China business vlog, we discuss how to use Douyin for marketing purposes and especially how to work with Chinese influencers, KOLs on Douyin. Jump to the […]
Podcast transcript #49: The keys to successful digital marketing strategies in China

Find here the full China Paradigm episode 49. Learn more about Thomas Nixon’s story working with digital marketing strategies in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, and this China marketing podcast, China Paradigm. Today I’m with […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 40: The future of Baidu, Google and other digital marketing insights in China

Cases that demonstrate what silent marketing is How to define an audience with precision SEO and SEM in China, are search engines dead? Why the total number of websites is declining in China, and what this means for marketers Secret predictions on Google’s future, and how it will manage competition with Amazon ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #18: How to take western digital marketing success into China

China paradigm interviews Pauline Lahary, founder of myCVfactory, a company which helps clients with CV writing and editing, including downloadable templates and LinkedIn optimization. In this podcast, we learn how Pauline has made incredible SEO success on Google, how she is localizing her brand and product to China, how she applied western digital marketing success […]
Macron and the Chinese: The Macron Effect fades among Chinese Internet users

Macron and the Chinese: Will Macron maintain his popularity in China after the election? In May 2017, French president Emmanuel Macron’s (马克龙) election caught the attention of Chinese Internet users, who fawned over the statesman’s good looks and charismatic appeal. Searches for the keyword “little fresh meat” ((小鲜肉) […]
Market Analysis: Chinese Website Design VS Western Website Design

To know more about Chinese Website Design, contact us at This article focuses on the general and basic “cultural/localization aspect” that denotes why Chinese website design (Chinese UX design/ Chinese UI design) is different from the Western UX design/UI design. Deeper understanding of the specific cultural differences between the “East” and “West” website design […]